One to one Support can help you: 

If you would like to work with us to improve your mental health, get in touch.

We offer on-to-one support, in person, by phone, via video, out in the community, at our office bases in Llandrindod or Newtown, or in your home.

I feel more confident in myself and better able to manage things that will come in the future.

1 to 1 Support Leaflet-front

Gall Cefnogaeth Un i Un eich helpu i:

Os hoffech chi weithio gyda ni i wella eich iechyd meddwl, cysylltwch â ni.

Cynigiwn gymorth un-i-un, wyneb yn wyneb, dros y ffôn, drwy fideo, allan yn y gymuned, yn ein swyddfeydd yn Llandrindod neu’r Drenewydd, neu yn eich cartref.

Roedd o gymorth wrth i mi i symud ymlaen ac ennill rhywfaint o reolaeth yn ôl yn fy mywyd

Cefnogaeth 1i1

No referral needed.

For more information or to book an appointment:

Telephone: 01597 824411 (and Whatsapp)


Social media: @mnpowysmind

Does dim angen cyfeirio

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth neu i drefnu apwyntiad:

Ffôn: 01597 824411 (a Whatsapp)


Cyfryngau cymdeithasol: @mnpowysmind

Case Study

Mind have put together a blog post on their website to highlight how Janet and our 1:1 Service has helped one of our clients to realise her self-worth.

To read the full post, click here

When I first came to Mid and North Powys Mind in 2020, I was a very lost individual. I had no motivation or direction, and day-to-day life was a real struggle, especially as a single mother of 3. Though I’d worked with other organisations to try and combat my anxiety and depression, nothing really fitted, and it was always very short-term relief. I also found it very difficult to remember to take medication, and sometimes felt suicidal. I never dedicated any real time to myself, instead going to sit in my car, or on a bus.


I knew that something had to be done, so I called my local Mind and was put in touch with Janet. She had a waiting list for the One to One programme, but recommended other courses I could do in the meantime, including Mums Matter. When my One to One programme started over the phone in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, I thought it was going to be like the other mental health programmes I’d tried, but I found myself opening up. Janet made it very clear that she wasn’t there to judge, which made it easier to discuss how I’d been feeling.

Janet helped me realise that along with my anxiety and depression, I could be living with complex PTSD after experiencing abuse and trauma during my childhood and later in my life.  

Astudiaeth Achos

Mae Mind wedi llunio blogbost ar eu gwefan i amlygu sut mae Janet a’n Gwasanaeth 1:1 wedi helpu un o’n cleientiaid i wireddu ei hunanwerth.

I ddarllen y post llawn, cliciwch yma

Pan ddes i i Mind Canolbarth a Gogledd Powys gyntaf yn 2020, roeddwn i'n teimlo ar goll yn llwyr. Doedd gen i ddim cymhelliant na chyfeiriad, ac roedd bywyd o ddydd i ddydd yn frwydr go iawn, yn enwedig fel mam sengl i 3 phlentyn. Er fy mod wedi gweithio gyda sefydliadau eraill i geisio brwydro yn erbyn fy mhryder ac iselder, doedd dim byd yn ffitio mewn gwirionedd, ac roedd unrhyw ryddhad ond yn para yn y tymor byr. Roeddwn hefyd yn ei chael hi'n anodd iawn cofio cymryd meddyginiaeth, ac weithiau'n teimlo'n hunanladdol. Wnes i erioed neilltuo unrhyw amser go iawn i mi fy hun, dim ond mynd i eistedd yn fy nghar, neu ar fws.

Roeddwn i'n gwybod bod yn rhaid gwneud rhywbeth, felly fe wnes i ffonio fy Mind lleol a chael fy rhoi mewn cysylltiad â Janet. Roedd ganddi restr aros ar gyfer y rhaglen Un i Un, ond argymhellodd gyrsiau eraill y gallwn eu gwneud yn y cyfamser, gan gynnwys Mums Matter. Pan ddechreuodd fy rhaglen Un i Un dros y ffôn yng nghanol pandemig y coronafeirws, roeddwn i'n meddwl y byddai'n debyg i'r rhaglenni iechyd meddwl eraill roeddwn i wedi rhoi cynnig arnyn nhw, ond gwelais fy hun yn dod yn fwy parod i drafod. Gwnaeth Janet hi’n glir iawn nad oedd hi yno i farnu, a oedd yn ei gwneud hi’n haws trafod sut roeddwn i wedi bod yn teimlo.

Gwnaeth Janet fy helpu i sylweddoli, ynghyd â fy mhryder ac iselder, y gallwn fod yn byw gyda PTSD cymhleth ar ôl profi cam-drin a thrawma yn ystod fy mhlentyndod ac yn ddiweddarach yn fy mywyd. 

Recover Together

Our three year lottery funded project was hugely successful and very much in demand.  We are continuing to evolve and develop the service through other funding.

I found Mind to be very helpful and supportive.  I feel much better since I have been receiving 1 to 1.

Helped me to get a diagnosis and deal with my condition much better.

It has been great, I will recommend them to anyone in need because they have helped me so much.

Recovery Planning Tools

Please click on the following titles to view the tools we have found useful:

Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

Hafal – My recovery

Recovery STAR User Guide

Recover Together Project Summary