Your Bereavement Supporter will work alongside you, listening and helping you work through your grief in your own way, on a one to one basis.  Your Bereavement Supporter is a volunteer who has undergone extensive training.

Each session will last about an hour and will continue for an average of 6 sessions. Support can be face to face and/or telephone/Zoom, depending on what works for you.

Anything you say is kept in the strictest confidence, unless someone’s safety is at risk.

Get in touch

The service covers all of Powys and is for adults, young people and children from age 4+. 

To book an appointment or for more information contact Abbie:

Tel: 07496 870039


Office Phone: 01597 824411

Bereavement Booklet

Our Bereavement Support Service team have developed a booklet for people who are experiencing grief and loss.  It is free of charge and can be downloaded in both English and Welsh – see the links below.

Bereavement Booklet front cover

Different ways people react to bereavement

It is natural for people to have a strong reaction to bereavement.  There is no right or wrong way to grieve and everyone grieves in their own time.  You may be experiencing:
  • Disbelief or denial – carrying on as if nothing has happened
  • Shock or numbness
  • Difficulty in sleeping, loss of appetite, mood swings, lack of concentration, exhaustion, feeling anxious or depressed
  • Anger – at the world, a specific person, God or even the person who has died
  • Imagining you still see or hear the person who has died
  • Guilt – feeling that you could have done more or prevented the death

Things that can help

  • Look after yourself – take time out to sleep, rest, think and be with people you are close to
  • Talk about your feelings and what has happened
  • Try to keep your life as normal as possible after the acute grief
  • Tell people what you need
  • Children experience similar feelings, so let them talk about their emotions and express themselves creatively
  • It helps your child to go back to school. Let  them keep up with their other activities and do let their teacher know what has happened.
  • Accidents are more common after severe stress, so be careful

Bereavement Support Group

If you are experiencing grief and loss and would like to connect with others who have/are undergoing a similar experience, we would like to invite you to our Bereavement Cafe.

It’s held on the first Friday of every month at 6.30pm at All Saints Church, Commercial Road, Newtown.

Tea, coffee and cake available!  Although the meeting is in a church, we welcome people of all faiths and none.

Bereavement Cafe Poster Monday

Talks and Groups

We also give talks about bereavement to community groups and schools.

Contact Abbie on or phone 07496870039 for more information.


Join the Bereavement Support Team

We are looking for new volunteers

There will be a course in Newtown in Spring 2025 to train new volunteers to support bereaved children and young people and a course to train new volunteers to support bereaved adults in Autumn 2025 in Llandrindod.

For more information on Volunteering for our Bereavement Support Team, please visit our Volunteering Page