Suicide Prevention Pledge
In Wales 360 people took their own life in 2017. 77% of these were men. Men in rural communities, just like our own, are the most at risk from suicide. It is the biggest single cause of death in men under 40, even greater than road traffic accidents or cancer.
What is the pledge all about?
Suicide rates in Powys are amongst the highest in the country. (Brecon & Radnor Express)
Talking about suicide can seem scary and some people can feel if they mention suicide it can put the thought in someone’s head. There is NO evidence of this and in fact talking about it actually helps and is one of the easiest ways to prevent suicide.
We need to make a change. We need to say it’s okay to feel sad. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to not be okay.
We understand it can be daunting to talk to professionals, so the pledge is designed to make it easier to talk to friends and family, as well as to know where to encourage people to get help from.
Sometimes all that’s needed is for someone to listen.
How does it work?
There are two sizes of cards we have produced for the Pledge. The cards can be found here – Pledge(large) and Pledge (Business card)
The way it works is you put your name, number and email onto the back of these larger cards so others can contact you if they need to. It is up to you where you put this or who you give it to. Maybe you would like to nominate someone in your group/team/office and have their details in your meeting room? Or maybe you exchange details with a friend or a family member.
These smaller business size cards can be kept and carried around as a reminder of what to do and ask if you feel someone needs to talk. They also have contact numbers of services you can call to speak to someone trained to help you.
If they need further help Mid & North Powys Mind has many services than can benefit a wide range of people; from courses to 1:1 appointments to drop ins to counselling to creative therapies.
What can I do?
If you would like more information on how you can better support or understand those with mental health issues we have courses on Mental Health Awareness and Mental Health First Aid.
If you are interested in having us come to talk to your group or organisation about the pledge and the services that we provide, please get in touch.
For more information on these, please email Becca at or call 01597 824411
Want to use the pledge for your organisation or business?
You are welcome to download and use the pledge for you business or organisation but please make sure to credit Mid & North Powys Mind