
27 September 2024    
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Mid and North Powys Mind
Crescent Chambers, South Crescent, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5DH

Event Type

This is a 6-week course starting on Friday 6th September at the Wellbeing Centre, Mid & North Powys Mind’s building on South Crescent, Llandrindod Wells from 10.30am – 11.30am with Kallika

Seated yoga is an adapted form of yoga that enables you to practice in a chair, making it ideal for those with physical limitations or in chronic pain.
In this 6 week course you will work your way through a series of poses that move and stretch your body and ease your mind. It is a gentle easy to follow sequence that activates your whole body. It is suitable for everyone regardless of experience.
For more information or to book a place on the course, please contact 01597 824411 or email admin@mnpmind.org.uk